The Newspaper Without a Name and Nameless Newsprint
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The Newspaper Without a Name was an "independent journal of and by youth, sponsored by Liberal Religious Youth of the Unitarian Universalist Association." Nameless Newsprint was a "publication sponsored and owned by Liberal Religious Youth, Inc." Based on the Volume and Issue numbers, it appears Newspaper Without a Name was published 1968 and Nameless Newsprint followed in 69-70
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 1, Fall 1968 . 16 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Editorials. Glossary of LRY Terms. An article "dedicated to those who risked police and parental harassment to venture into the jungles of Chicago for participation in the Un-Democratic National Convention". Continental Conference '68 by Tim Cahn. The people Revolution, by David Field. LRY Structure. Structure of the UUA. The Conscience of Aesthetic. Accordion Man, by Nemlo. Do You Swim by GFG III. Poetry by D.F. Local Group Program, Sensitivity Training, by Tim Cahn. Letter from Larry Ladd. Sobering Up. Final Report and Farewell. |
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 2, Fall 1968 . 15 pages plus cover. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Contributing Editors, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles, Tom Nobbs, David Fields, Lisa Lundelius, Kenneth Friedman, Burt Cohen, Carla Musik, Paul Collier, Tim Cahn, and Wayne Arnason. Ross Quinn - Circ. Mgr. Contents: Editorial. Arts & Crafts. Letters from Liz Breitbart, Bruce Barrett. Photos by Mike Fitz-James at LRY Con Con of Jim Stoll, minister; LRY Office of official 68-69 Board of Trustees poster; Homestead II of Trisha Kent; photo by Joel Charrow; photos by Lib News Service of Democratic National Convention. Artwork by Robert Salisbury and Janice Hillman. Executive Director Speaks. Advisor's Bag. LRY Schejule. Concerns include letters from Dan Tanaka, editor of the "Promethean", Jon Tillson and Peedie Parks. Canadiental by Wayne Arnason. We Would Be One by Ken Friedman. A poem. Letter from Ruth Breland. Marsh Chapel, by Ross? The Free Mind, Yesterday and Now. |
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 3 . 16 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Contributing Editors: Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles, Tom Hobbs, David Fields, Lisa Lundelius, Kenneth Friedman, Burt Cohen, Carla Musik, Paul Collier, Tim Cahn, Wayne Arnason. Circ. Mgr: Ross Quinn. Cover photo by Kurt Mendelsohn. Letters: Peter Hunt, Doug Wilson, John Scott, Sharon Dawson, Moo Maw, Everest Corbin, Sandi Whidden, Lorinda Walker, Robbie Isaacs. Canadiental: Wayne Arnason. We Would Be One: Ken Friedman. Nowris. Lydia by Debbie Mendelsohn. SR. Letter on Sanctuary by Donald McKinney. Right of Dissent. Notice on Next Draft Card Turn-in. Jumpin' Jack Flashes a Sunday Morning Shake-Up by Jack Mendelsohn. Rapping by Margi and Barbara Uhlrig. Audio Visual Local Group Program. It's All Over Now, Baby Bob. |
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 4 . 16 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Contributing Editors: Wayne Arnason, Paul Collier, Burt Cohen, Lisa Lundelius, Ken Friedman, Tom Hobbs, Dave Fields, Carla Musik, Tim Cahn, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles. Cover by Bob Salisbury. Editorial by Greg Sweigert. General letters with correspondence by Larry Ladd, Karen andRobbie Isaacs. Canadiantial, Wayne Arnason. Larry Ladd article emphasizing necessity of youth for the denomination. "Simpson emphasiezes Ladd's thoughts..." Politics, the Paradox of Death, by Norman Friedman. Social Responsibility. Aesthetic Appeal: Anne Arnold and Ross Quinn and Krissa Rippey. Man in Motion by Ross Quinn. |
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 5 . Another issue of Nameless labeled as Volume 1, Issue 5. 16 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Special Graphic Consultant: Ken Friedman. Contributing Editors: Wayne Arnason, Paul Collier, Burt Cohen, Lisa Lundelius, Ken Friedman, Tom Hobbs, Dave Fields, Carla Musik, Tim Cahn, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles and Robbie Issac. Editorial by Debbie Mendelsohn. High School Org. by Dave Bryce. Fullbac Statement by Gowan. The American Way timeline of terrorism against civil rights and civil rights actions for the year. The War Against the Young, by Stephen H. Fritchman. Art. |
![]() | Volume 1, Issue 5 . 16 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Special Graphic Consultant: Ken Friedman. Contributing Editors: Wayne Arnason, Paul Collier, Burt Cohen, Lisa Lundelius, Ken Friedman, Tom Hobbs, Dave Fields, Carla Musik, Tim Cahn, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles and Robbie Issac.
Table of Contents: "2...Please read issue #4 first, then the GHS II editorial, for a quickl look at the Newspaper's financial condition. Greg also does a bit of rapping on important happening at 25 Beacon St. which concern youth, as well as his first bit of editorializing. 3...New Notes offer a unique contest for all our readers who are deft at uncovering FBI agents in Unitarian churches. page 3 also begins 2 and 1/2 glorious pages of your letters. 6...Ken Friedman returns with a special meaning to those who know him intimately. He makes his peace, and sets his critics out to pasture. All graphics are by Ken also. 8...this is what we hoped the Newspaper would get into. We apologize for the cramped layout. this section's first article is by Women's Federation Director, Connie Burgess, which sparked replies by Ross Quinn and Burt Cohen when first printed in the Bridge. 10...a contributing reason for holding the mailing on the fourth issue was the possible thought loss in regard to Norman Friedman article. It really deserves one's full attention. 13...we have reprinted a UUA pamphlet which has just come out. we thought it would not only be very useful, but interest people in seeking help on their draft problems from UUSC's draft counsellor, Tony Lob. 15...many thought we would not have enough material to put out an issue of the Nameless Newsprint every two weeks. it hasn't played out that way, for in this issue we do not even have room for Candiental or Aesthetic Appeal. You will see them re-appearing in our next effort. 16...this is the page. do your ging as a New Year's present to LRY." |
![]() | Volume 1, Issues 7 and 8 . 32 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Managing Editor: Ross Quinn. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Graphic Consultant: Kenneth Friedman. Contributing Editors: Wayne Arnason, Paul Collier, Burt Cohen, Lisa Lundelius, Ken Friedman, Tom Hobbs, Dave Fields, Carla Musik, Tim Cahn, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles and Robbie Issac.
Contents: "2 and 3 - The editorial, includes some touching words on LRY committment, a special note to articles contained here in this newsprint, and vital information on the upcoming General Assembly. 4&5 - Dr. Homer Jack interviews a Czechoslovakian Unitarian youth in a treat for Nameless Newsprint faithfuls. 6-9 - Photos from the UUA Division of Education and Program's new Decision Making Kit. 10-14 - The ministry of W. C. Fields, explained to us by Charles Slap, hopefully serves as a supplement to those who wonder what the W. C. Fields Program really isn't about. 14&15 - More responses to Connie Burgeess carry this affair to what we hope is a well-deserved end. 16&17 - Our centerfold boasts the words and photos of the man-most-likely-to-be the next Unitarian Universalist martyr, Michael Ferber. 18-22 - In this tightly worded section we find all sorts of items of interest to the typical average LRYer on the street. After a kick-off article on The Advisor's Bag, by Wayne Arnason, we return to Wilmington for a summation of events and a special accolade for the Wilmington local. Following this story are the most recent returns on W. C. Fields, news of note concerning high school reform and LRY's past in it, a re-cap of LRY's NonCom report, and Letters and brief articles. 23-29 -- One need only read columne one on page 23 to find out the design of this part of Nameless. We hope you take the time to complete the entire section -- it does have some very interesting reading. 30&31 -- A new feature of NN; hope our eyes hold out Long enough for us to recommend various literary offerings to quench your thirst for knowledge. We also invite our readers to write reviews and become world-reknowned through the Nameless. 32 & cover - please tell us if you dig this idea of running semi-poster prints. Cover and back photos by Kurt Mendelshohn." |
![]() | Volume 1, Issues 9 and 10 . 32 pages. Editors-In-Chief, George F. Gowan III and Gregory Sweigert. Managing Editor: Ross Quinn. Art Editor, Robert Salisbury. Associate Art Ed., Janice Hillman. Graphic Consultant: Kenneth Friedman. Contributing Editors: Wayne Arnason, Paul Collier, Burt Cohen, Lisa Lundelius, Ken Friedman, Tom Hobbs, Dave Fields, Carla Musik, Tim Cahn, Peter Hunt, Kathy Giles and Robbie Issac.
Contents: "4-6 Racism in Canada comments on the three major oppressed racial groups in Canada. Food for thought for Americans & Canadians alike. 7 - This is a nice page with nice things on it. 8&9 - two questionnaires to be answered by all you LRYers about the newspaper and LRY - our directions are up to you. 10 - concerns itself with kids, with a few notes about the $100,000 11&12 - Larry Ladd's "Bitter Brooklyn", the text from his notable sermon delivered there with a few important up-datings. 13-24 - A tremendous game designed by specialists which deals with the UUA. Milton Bradley fought us for the rights, but in the end we won. Don't miss it. 25&26 - are devoted to a sermon given by Jack Mendelsohn of the Arlington Street Church in which he comments on the recent turmoil over the U-U Service Committee's involvement in Viet Nam 27 - Lawrence B. Ladd expounds on his "Vision for LRY". 28&29 - Contained in Dick Kossow's open letter of resignation are his reflections on LRY and comments on where it is going. 31 - a poem. 32& 33 - important information about G.A. 34&35- Letters from LRYers on student action in their schools. 36&37 - Statement of the Black Manifesto, i.e. James Foreman. 38 - Review of the film High School and Tom Wolfe's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test." |
![]() | Volume 2, Issue 1 . Summer 1969. 16 pages. Editor-in-chief: David Davisson. Promethean editor: Karen Ellesworth. Tippy Teen: Russ Tricich. Staff Artist: Peta Gilleran. Associate Artist: Carolei Pressler. Chief Comedian: Eric Van Horn. Foreign Correspondent: Mark Hornstra. Cardboard Cutter;: Jeff Davis. Social Action: Burt Cohen. Nameless Newsprint Office, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Contents: 3 - Youth and the Adult Church, a comment and look at the relationship of youth and adult in the UUA, and the future of that relationship. 5 - Bot Meets. A report of the meetings of the Board of Trustees meetings held this year in Concord, Massachusetts. 6 - The Big One. Eric Van Horn writes a satire of the executive committee of continental LRY. 7 - Social Action. A three page foldout on the social action scene in LRY, plus an article by Burt Cohen explaining the social action program off LRY. 11 - Bullsheet. LRY's old favirte from the packet days. Write what you're thinking and send it to us. 13 - Hot Summer in SWLRY. A photo essay about the summer camp in the Southwest federation of LRY. 14 - Continental Conference '69. Report of the stewed rhubarb meet at Seabeck this summer. 2 - Ecitorial. Read this one, we're doing new things. 16 - Subscriptions and ads. |
![]() | Volume 2, Issue 4, January 1970 . 15 pages plus cover. Editor-in-chief: David Davisson. Promethean Editor: Karen Ellesworth. Tippy Teen: Russ Trivich. Staff Artist: Peta Gilleran. Associate Artists: Carolei Pressler, Janice Hillman, Tom Pfiffer. Chief Comedian: Eric Van Horn. Foreign Correspondent: Mark Hoornstra. Photo Lab: Roger Robinson. Cardboard Cutter: Jeff Davis. Others: Ruth Wise, Lincoln L. Bray, Kevin Corn, Sue Johnson. Regional Contributors: Sue Johnson, Mitzi Porges, Carolei Pressler, Barb Mullen, Darien Dehu, Bill Collins, Lindsay Pyler, Peggy Willkie, Craig Loehle, Cynthia Drabeck, Debbie Baldwin, Bruce Barrett, Arthur Thexton, Bruce Lavender, Charles Vrabel, Collette Wright, Arthur Miller, Marco Poco, Phillip Niles, Alice Loftin, Robert Greene, Margaret McGregor, Gail Beutsch, Ross Quinn. Contents: Editorial - An evaluation of the Role of Continental. To Be Free, Like a Dance - A potpouri of feelings relating to LRY and the church, what is renewal? by David F. Cautley. Social Action! - Stories on high school reform and a book on the draft. What is a Continental LRYER? - A poster you can take out and hang up in your LRY room, by Eric Van Horn. Cartoon by Peta Gilleran. Bullsheet: letters from Linda, Charie Wolfson, Paul Kaza, Randy. Bray's Goad - Lincoln Bray reveals a side of pollution of our environment never before considered. Agnew's Ghost, by Ian Sven for LNS. NOM-COM Reports - A report of the state of officers made by the Nominating Committee. Surprising Amsterdam - A report from our foreign correspondent Mark Hoornstra on the scene in Holland. Charlie Twerp - meets Robbie Isaaacs. |
![]() | Volume 2, Issue 5 . Summer 1970. 12 pages. Staff Collective: Dav Davisson, Ruth Wise, Karen Ellsworth, Russ Trivaich, Peta Gilleran, Carolei Pressler, Janice Hillman, Tom Pfeiffer, Eric Van Horn, Mark Hoornstra, Roger Robinson, Jeff Davis, Lincoln L. Bray, Kevin Corn, Sue Johnson, Mitzi Porges. Comrades: Barb Mullen, Darien Delu, Bill Collins, Lindsay-Pyfer, Peggy Wilkie, Craig Loehle, Cynthis Drabek, Debbie Baldwin, Bruce Barrtt, Arthur Thexton, Charles Vrabel, Collette Wright, Marco Poco, Phillip Niles, Alice Loftin, Robert Greene, Margaret McGregor, Gail Deutsch, David Brown, Tyra Lindquist.Contents: 1 - UUA Where Are You? A look at the faiulres of the UU Church. 2 - Editorial. Kevin Corn writes about the elitest power clique in LRY. 4 - Whem I'm Gone. A powerful worship service by Robbie Isaacs. 4 - Bray's Goad. Bray looks at the new LRY plot. 5 - News from the LNS. Canceling of the '72 elections and the burning of marijuana. 6 - A New Poster! 8 - Cartoon. The famous Keep on Truckin' by Ralph Crumb. 10 - Bullsheet. 11 - Seattle. A look at the plans of FFR for the 1970 GA. 12 - Charlie Twerp. |