The Promethean
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The Promethean, A Symposium for Liberal Religious Youth.
The archive at Harvard seems to indicate The Promethean ran from February 1964 thru Jan 1968.
All issues are in PDF format.
 | Vol.II, Number 1, November 1964 The Search for New Meanings in Traditional Religious Symbols. Submitted by David Fitch.
Poem - Woody Wright
Editorial: Expanding Vistas in Religious Symbolism - burceeverettelwell
The Promethean Quest - Blair Dean
Around a Flame We Gather - anonymous
Some Old Carols - Kay Arnoll
What Think Ye of Christ - D. A. Roberts
The Twisting of the Twisted Cross - Anonymous
The Celtic Swastika
Conversion - Larry McAneny
The Restoration of Saint Francis - Sue Johnson
A New Enlightenment
Cover design by Diane Purdy
Editor - bruceeverettelwell |
 | Volume II, Number 2, December 1964 A Symposium for Liberal Religious Youth: LRY as the Vanguard of the Movement. Submitted by David Fitch. NOTE: The cover is shown as January 1965 but the contents are given as November 1964. Both are Volume II, Number 2.
Untitled Poem
Editorial Overview
A Portrait of LRY as a Young Liberalism - Frederick S. West
Dry Minds and Empty Spirits - Peter A. Baldwin
For Peace #2 - Michael Wallace
The Peaceful Fighters - Karen E. Keller
Forrest Glen Fischer Essay Contest
"Conscientious Objector" - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Cultural Barriers - Meredith MacKeen
Cover design by Bruce E. Elwell and Frederick S. West
Editor - bruceeverettelwell |
| Volume 2, Issue 3, Summer 1965 Special Poetry Issue. 22 pages. Scanned by Howard Spivak in 2004 and sent along for posting here by Jon Angel.
Mississippi - Paul Duncan
Poem - Nancy Fitzwilliam
Hills - Woody Wright
Poem - Carole Levin
The Lotus Eaters - Geoff Oelsmer
Poem - Bruce Elwell
In the Name of Love - Deahna Coles
The Flying Thing - Craig Carnant
Today is Septemeber the 22 and it is still 1964 - George Semerau
Poem - Gordon Conable
Graphic - Ellen Samson
Mother's Good Butterscotchy Pizza - Farley-a-go-go Farebrother
Sonnet - Robert Chaikin
Poem - Ruth Elwell
Black Man - Bernardine Riley
A Crime Against Society - Lorna Laughland
Poem - Linda Larson
Cover - Ivy Rutzky
Editor - Bruce E. Elwell |
 | December 1965 The Adolescent Mystique Submitted by David Fitch.
Introduction and Credits - Blair Dean
The Promethean Quest - Kris Ostrand
Youth - The Sleeping Potential - Margret Haynes
SO - anonymous
Illustrations - anonymous
The Universal Debt - Gregory Wright
Mods, Rockers and the Revolution - Franklin Rosemont
Excerpt from Let Us Now Praise Famous Men - James Agee
The Right to Protest - Graduation Address - 1965 - David Pitt
Editorial Summary -Henry Koch
 | Volume 3, Issue 2, March 1966 LRY and Vietnam. 22 pages. Scanned by Howard Spivak in 2004 and sent along for posting here by Jon Angel.
Poem - Woody Wright
Viet Nam and the New Church - Rev. Thomas Smith
to mr. & mrs. america - Nelson Barr
Excerpts from Michael Harrington on the Freedom Budget and the LBJ Budget in New America - Michael Harrington
Protest and Commitment - Alan Sheats
Viet Nam Reflections - Roger Williams
A Sort of Manifesto to the Editor - Bruce and Ruth Elwell
Young Woman - Woody Wright
Editor - Henry Koch |
Volume 3, Issue 3, May 1966. Youth Autonomy 26 pages. Scanned by Howard Spivak in 2004 and sent along for posting here by Jon Angel.
Introduction and Credits
Poem - Susan Ransom
'Youth Autonomy'--A Phoney Issue - Bob Marshall
And the Grass Turned Brown - Martha Bailey
sketch - Ive Rutzky
What Price Autonomy - Jay Smith
Excerpts from Why Young People are Seeking New Values - Richard hickel
Blue Fantasy - Glen Lindwall
Night Wind - Woody Wright
The Local Group: More than Fooling Around - Peter Baldwin
Inside - Steve Lubet
In August I will Be Leaving LRY - Bill Sinkford
Poem - anonymous
Editor - Henry Koch |
 | Volume IV, Number 1, March 1967 Creativity - LRY. Submitted by David Fitch.
Introduction and Credits
Poem - Carla Rippey
Excerpts from "Well You 'Bug' Me Sometimes Too!" - Peter Baldwin
Drawing - Francesca Walton
Two Poems - Aeric Stratton
Mountains and Wanderings - Ken Friedman
I Entered the Animal Garden... - Geoff Oelsner
Collage - Jan Ratcliffe and John Oughton
Creativity in LRY - John Oughton
Shrimp-boat - Fran Barkan
The Promethean Quest - Blair Dean
Editorial: The Promethean Question - John Oughton
Cover Design- Martha Toole
Editor - John Oughton |
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