1955 Chapter 0087. An Act Enabling American Unitarian Youth And Universalist Youth Fellowship To Complete Their Consolidation

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dc.creator Massachusetts.
dc.date.accessioned 2010-10-27T12:54:28Z
dc.date.available 2010-10-27T12:54:28Z
dc.date.issued 1955
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2452/51842 dc.publisher Boston: Secretary of the Commonwealth
dc.subject.lcc KFM2425 .A213
dc.subject.lcsh Session Laws - Massachusetts
dc.title 1955 Chapter 0087. An Act Enabling American Unitarian Youth And Universalist Youth Fellowship To Complete Their Consolidation.
dc.title.alternative Acts and Resolves passed by the General Court.
dc.title.alternative Laws, etc. (Session laws : 1661-)
dc.title.alternative Special acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts
dc.title.alternative General laws passed by the General Court of Massachusetts

Chap. 87 An Act enabling American unitarian youth and universalist youth fellowship to complete their consolidation.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

Section 1. American Unitarian Youth and Universalist Youth Fellowship, corporations established and existing under the laws of the commonwealth, are hereby authorized to consolidate into one corporation, under the name Liberal Religious Youth, with all the privileges, powers and immunities which said existing corporations have heretofore acquired or enjoyed by statute or otherwise, and, except as provided otherwise in this section with respect to meetings, with the powers, privileges and immunities set forth in all general laws pertaining to corporations organized under chapter one hundred and eighty of the General Laws and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto for any educational, charitable, benevolent or religious purpose, which consolidated corporation shall in all respects be a continuation of and the lawful successor to said existing corporations. Said consolidated corporation and its officers and directors may hold their meetings, annual or otherwise, anywhere in the United States or Canada.

Section 2. Upon such consolidation all property of said existing corporations, including all bequests, devises, gifts and transfers of any kind heretofore made to them, shall vest in and may be received by said consolidated corporation, and all bequests, devises, gifts and transfers of any kind hereafter made to or for the benefit of said existing corporations shall vest in said consolidated corporation, and said consolidated corporation shall have with respect to such property and with respect to such bequests, devises, gifts and transfers, whether heretofore or hereafter made, the same powers, rights and privileges as would have been possessed by said existing corporations had such consolidation not been effected; provided, that no property now held by, or hereafter bequeathed, devised or given to, either of said existing corporations upon specific and limited charitable uses and trusts, as distinguished from property held by, or hereafter bequeathed, devised or given to, them for their general purposes, shall be so received unless authorized by decree of a court of competent jurisdiction.

Section 3. The officers, or any of them, of each of said existing corporations are hereby respectively authorized to execute and deliver all instruments and to perform all such other acts as may be necessary or proper to carry out and implement the consolidation authorized by this act.

Section 4. Said consolidation shall be effective and complete when each of the said existing corporations, at a meeting called for the purpose, shall have accepted this act, and certified copies of the acceptance votes shall have been filed with the state secretary and recorded in the registry of deeds for the county of Suffolk.

Section 5. For the purpose of its acceptance, this act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved February 28, 1955.

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